

Monday, September 21, 2015

Is it Blues?

What makes the blues the blues? I have wondered this myself and the answer I have come up with is, "Whatever you want it to be." Blog over.

Well, not necessarily. There have been many times when I have caught myself saying, "This isn't blues! How can they call that blues?" But, to each his own and somebody wants to call a jazz or rock tune blues then more power to them. W. C. Handy deserves his place in history as the single person who brought blues out of the South and into the rest of the world. Though, I must say, I cannot listen to some his arrangements without getting bored. A tempo-perfect, pitch-perfect, highly structured, horn-filled and frilled blues song is not usually appealing to my ears. To be honest, I would consider an a capella gospel spiritual more of a blues song than them.

Now, I must backtrack for a second and say that the only thing I do think is required to call a piece of music the blues is soul. Call it feeling, conviction, honesty -- whatever. It must come from a place of emotion. Now that does not mean, of course, that other musical genres cannot posses soul, but if music does not have soul, it is most certainly not blues. I am talking about soul in the song itself and, more, importantly, in the delivery. Do yourself a favor: listen to "Grinnin' in your Face" by Son House. Zero guitar, 100% blues.

Also, read this short article about the roots of the blues by Debra Devi. It explains, in part, how I feel. So, good luck with your journey on the River Blues. Peace.

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